
7 Ways to Mind Your Mental Health



Now more than ever, it is so important to mind your mental health as much as you can. Life for many people has turned upside down. Why not take part in a 7 day mental health awareness week and see how you can do simple things to alleviate those uncertain thoughts and feelings. Follow a weeks worth of useful ways that may help you in finding some balance during these tough times.


Balance & Release

Mind your mental health by reacting to stress, loving your whole body, giving into cravings once in a while and really focusing on your mind. Let’s balance things. Breathe in slowly and practice some time out each day to focus on just you.


Exercise For The Mind & Body

Exercise everything! It is so important to stay active during these uncertain times at home. Exercising your body is one thing, but always remember that you need to also allow for mind exercises.  Read a few pages of your book at lunchtime, walk down a street you have never visited before or listen to some unusual music to take your mind to another place for 30 minutes.


Kindness & Caring For Colleagues

Everyone is in need of some sort of kindness these days, so always be mindful and understand everyone is under their own strain in life right now. Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly and most underrated agent of human change. Bob Kerrey. Why not write a letter to someone you care about, or call someone spontaneously to brighten up their day.


Coping With Changes 

Coping with change can be difficult. Reach out for support if you feel things have become too overwhelming. Family and friends are so important to speak to in difficult times. Always remember change can bring good things you may never have known before. Find out more about dealing with change here.


Feeling Reassured 

Many people will feel a need for reassurance. This is perfectly normal. If you are faced with a moment where you feel like you need to be reassured about anything – ask! It’s ok to feel unsure, but don’t let this fester in your mind. Ask for advice or pick up the phone and call someone you trust.

Sleep, rest, health, mental,health

Rest – Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

Rest and sleep are extremely important in keeping up with good mental health. Make sure you are getting a decent night’s sleep. Make sure that the room you sleep in is well ventilated. Remove anything work related from this space so you can completely zone out in your entire sanctuary. Remember sleep has so many health benefits – healing being one of the biggest.


Talking To Children About COVID-19

It can be difficult explaining COVID-19 to children. Pick a time in the day whey they are most relaxed and quieter. This will mean that they will have a stronger attention span. Keep things simple for now and explain that all children and adults must play their part in protecting each other.

Pick up some useful information here from Mental Health Ireland and also from the Mental Health Fondation UK

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