
Five Minute Focus On: Steven Agnew, Head of RenewableNI

Glandore Members & Partners


Tell us about RenewableNI

RenewableNI is the trade association and voice for the renewable electricity industry in Northern Ireland.  We represent 40 businesses, fostering knowledge exchange, sharing best practice and supporting policy development.  Engaged in wind, solar, tidal and battery storage, our members make up a large majority of the renewable industry supply chain.

What is your role in the company?

I am the Head of RenewableNI and lead our work on policy and public affairs, while our Communications and Events Manager, Judith Rance, takes responsibility for public relations.

Tell us something about RenewableNI that we might not know?

We are the result of a collaboration between RenewableUK and Wind Energy Ireland.  In effect, we are the Belfast office of those two organisations.

What’s next for RenewableNI?

With the publication of a new Energy Strategy in 2021 there is a resultant growth in our sector.  This increases our membership but also our workload!  Many new members have a focus on offshore wind, and while onshore wind and solar will remain the dominant technologies for this decade, I expect to see turbines in the water by the early 2030s.

What’s your favourite thing about working in Belfast?

I’m still mainly working from home but beginning to use the office more frequently.  There are three main benefits from going into the office; the exercise, the incidental conversations with people you meet through the day and lunch in Avoca!

What do you like about being a Glandore Member?

The office is in a great location, no matter where in Belfast meetings are taking place they are easy to get to from Arthur House. The Clubroom is great and we were delighted we could use it for an interview with UTV on climate change. (To be broadcast on Tues 19 Oct).  Having the retractable roof on the garden terrace meant lots of fresh air and no masks on camera.  The Arthur House staff were very helpful getting access for the UTV filming equipment and crew.

Friday nights in or Friday nights out?

Friday nights are in with the kids, sometimes with a takeaway.  My daughter is still young enough that she likes a bedtime story.  My son likes to watch a movie with me because he gets to stay up late and watch things he wouldn’t be allowed to see on his own!

For more details on RenewableNI please contact Steven Agnew Head of RenewableNI or Judith Rance, Communications and Events Manager  Tel: 07875-681-794 /Twitter / LinkedIn

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